Happy Birthday, Fiance!

Today is Fiance's 27th Birthday!

We are doing nothing fun tonight because he has to work late. That's what happens when you're involved in a high school production of Beauty and the Beast!

 But we are eating Ben and Jerry's upon his return home from rehearsal tonight at 11:30! And hopefully some of his birthday presents will get here today (seriously, Amazon what is the problem)?

For his past three birthdays, Fiance has had a surprise birthday party. Seriously. Three. That one up there was supposed to be a surprise but I accidentally ruined it. We had just started dating and his housemates planned it and I accidentally blabbed. But then I bought that kick ass cake to make up for it.

And then the next year, I totally redeemed myself and threw (that's right I'll say it) the best surprise party in the history of surprise parties. It was animal themed (see hat) AND there was a Wall-E cake and a badge that I made him where that said "Its my birthday!". I should have opened a party planning business after that (please note that I did NOT stick those flags in that cake!).

And then last year, his housemates decided he should have another surprise party. Which I don't seem to have any pictures of?

Clearly we have gotten way lame but seriously how many times can he be surprised? I say Ben & Jerry's is a perfect way to celebrate year number 27 (which is three years from 30, in case math is not your forte).

Maybe I'll even run to the store and get Dilly a party hat.

Happy 27th, John! I love, love, love you!

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