Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I am so glad you are here! We've had a rough few weeks in the Olsen home and we're excited for this weekend will include a hair cut for both of us, some sort of excursion around the city AND on Sunday I am volunteering with the organization that we adopted Dilly and Mim from. I am so excited because KITTENS!

Dear Boots, I really like you! I like you especially because you are not my rain boots or my snow boots and that I got to wear you to work yesterday!

Dear Snow, thank you for melting! Keep it up, I believe in you!

Dear Dilly, you don't even miss Mim a little bit do you? Its OK, you can tell me, I know its true. You took such a hard core nap on my lap on Monday's day off that you didn't even realize how close my crochet hook was to your eye. So dangerous! You are back to sleeping in bed with us and have reclaimed your position as spoiled rotten only cat.

Dear John, you win the prize for best Valentine's Day gift this year. Even though my gift of "I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats" was a real contender. I am so excited to get a bouquet of flowers for the next two months! I am even more excited about the mason jar that these flowers came in. I'm ordering a Cuppow cover immediately!

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