Wednesday Wonderings: These Days on the F Train

Does anyone else take the F train home in the evenings from Manhattan to Brooklyn? Here's what's been happening lately...

There is an accordion player. I first saw him about six weeks ago on a Wednesday (that is how clear this memories is) and I had my headphones in. I thought I could hear someone screaming above the volume of Marcus Mumford singing in my ears. When I looked up from my book, there was the accordion man and his sidekick asking for tips.

Now I see him about two or three times a week. This is the original accordion man.

Last Wednesday, after the original accordion man (OAM) exited the train at Delancy, secondary accordion man (SAM) entered at the back of the car. SAM proceeded to play his accordion all the way to Bergen Street you guys, which is a pretty far way! And to be clear, he was not as good as OAM and his sidekick was decidedly less adorable and way ruder when asking for tips.

Wednesday Wondering: have you seen these accordion men? Could these accordion men be more annoying than the mariachi band that used to play on my D train? Opinions welcome!

*NOTE: I am in no way attempting to offend accordion players, my Dad plays one (though not recently)!

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