Friday's Letters

Dear High School Musical Production of Beauty and the Beast, be over now. Seriously. Fiance is working 92 hours this week. 92! That is no hours for me. I'm over you. I'm coming to see you tonight not because I really like Beauty and the Beast but because I want to see what takes 92 hours to accomplish. Please do not disappoint me.

Dear College Spring Break I love you because my students are all away and I can catch up on everything I needed to do AND start thinking about the Fall (seriously where is the time going?)! Also I can have lunch with my Bestie in the park and exchange books. I love you.

Dear Bloggy Friend Lauren, RUN LIKE THE WIND on Sunday! And then have some serious Happy Hour! That's appropriate after running 26.2 miles in the Los Angeles Marathon, no?

Dear Dilly, you are super cuddly this week which I love. But I do not love when we are watching The Daily Show, waiting for Fiance to get home, and you sneeze in my face because you are laying on my chest. I know you only have one leg in the front, but seriously cover your mouth. It is not lady like at all.

Dear Weekend, I am so excited for you. I plan on sleeping late tomorrow and then going to the gym. And then cleaning my apartment. And reading a crocheting a lot. I used to be fun on Saturdays AND on St. Patrick's Day. But now I'm lame-o. But content and lame-o, so that's an even trade, no? Yes!
Hoping you all had a lovely, lovely week! 

More Friday's Letters here and my first one here

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