Book #13: The Ex-Boyfriend's Handbook

The average rating of The Ex-Boyfriend's Handbook on Goodreads is 3.44. Because Goodreads has rarely steered me wrong, this average prompted my reading the book upon discovering it on my Kindle (have I mentioned that a bunch of the ladies in my family have the same Amazon account? Totally awesome). 120 pages in, my Mom told me that no Kate, no one purchased this was free on the Kindle Blog a few months ago. Warning bells, my friends...warning bells.

I really had high hopes for this one because it is set in England and I love books set in England! The plot was less than stellar (girl leaves boy, boy embarks on makeover journey, boy enlists the help of annoyingly attractive best friend and obviously attractive personal trainer, boy falls in love with personal trainer). Sorry for the spoilers. Worse than being predictable, Ex-Boyfriend was filled with terribly hackneyed one liners. And I thought the ending was terrible. Positive of the book: I love tea and then drink a lot of it!

I was apprehensive about giving this book only one star, since that piece of crap Steve Martin wrote got zero. I'd like to take this time to say that there is a BIG jump from zero stars to one star! This was an easy read and the characters were likable enough whereas the crappy Steve Martin took me forever and I hated the characters and worse than anything it made me NOT LOVE STEVE MARTIN ANYMORE. Tragic.

I'm hoping to finish Book #14 by Saturday morning except that I have to be careful with it because I had to get it out of the Rare Books section of the library. And it has a broken spine and a special label on the cover. So I feel like I can't read it on the subway for fear of...well a lot of icky things can happen on the subway. This post was much more ramble-y than I wanted it to be so WISH ME LUCK and farewell!

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