Welcome Home, John!

On Saturday, John came home from his week long Bachelor Party at the Jersey Shore...15 hours after I had left for a weekend away. I left him this chalkboard message in our kitchen, and when I came home yesterday, he had changed it for me.

I am so happy to have him home! Dilly, Mim and I missed him so much but also I had to do everything around the house by myself for a whole week! These things included:

-Cleaning the litterbox
-Bringing all the garbage out the curb
-Picking up the mail from the floor where the mailman throws it
-Doing all the dishes
-Carrying the groceries home from C-Town
-AND carrying home the laundry
-Having to find everything I misplaced (which is a lot of things) on my own

Welcome home John, my weak arms are so happy to have you back...have you seen my other hot pink ballet flat?

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