Things to See in Reykjavik: Part One

We spent all day Sunday (post whale watching), all day Monday and Tuesday morning in Iceland's capitol city, Reykavik! As such, its going to take a few posts to document!

On Sunday afternoon, we walked to the Reykavik 871 +/- 2 Settlement Exhibition. John was so excited to see the Viking Age Longhouse he nearly skipped into the building!

I will say, it was pretty cool and I would definitely recommend it, even if it is only accurate within +/- two years!

That's the Longhouse! Animals lived in there, too guys...WITH the people! I was never so happy not to be a viking in my life.

After the Settlement Exhibition, we walked around Reykjavik and saw some pretty cool things. Also, some confusing things? How does this get me back to my apartment via the R, Iceland? It doesn't. At all.

AND THEN we found this place! Which is where Fiance's Great Sweater Quest began...more on that later.

Fiance and Becca were such good sports about my crazy picture taking on this trip. No one even blinked when I asked for a picture with this guy!

For dinner we went to Reykjavik Restaurant (creatively named). Our guide book told us that RR is famous for its fish buffet, which none of us did, though in retrospect I think one of us should have. Becca and I both had fish and Fiance had chicken. I would say it it was a two and a half out of five...if this was a blog that used stars to rate restaurants.

Regardless of meh food, Fiance and I took this great picture! Huzzah!

Things to See in Reykavik: Part Two tomorrow! Stay tuned!

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